The Świętokrzyskie region, (Województwo Świętokrzyskie, in polish), or Holy Cross Province is located at the intersection of important communication routes, not far from largest Polish agglomerations (an
agglomeration is an extended city or town area comprising the built-up area of a central place usually a municipality and any suburbs linked by continuous urban area) and close to the Slovakia and Ukraine
Two main rivers cross the province, the Nida and Kamienna and the Świętokrzyski National Park has its headquarters in Bodzentyn.
The industries in Kielce are known for producing high quality goods. The strength of the regional economy is found in the building materials industry as there are marble, limestone and gypsum deposits found here. Building companies from Kielce are some of the largest and most dynamic ones in Poland. Other important parts of the economy are the metallurgical, machine, food and textile industries. The region has strong traditions with ore mining and ironworks.
The Świętokrzyska region is a place where history and the present day are combined. There are fantastic trips like watching fights of barbarians and Romans during the Iron Roots picnic in Nowa Słupia, and then the modern Satellite Service Centre at Psary. It is here that first settlements of the Slavic people had been established, including ancient Wiślica, the capital of the State of Wiślanie.
There is the National Museum at Kielce, which features one of the largest galleries of Polish paintings. The Krystyna Jamroz International Music Festival is held in Busko Zdrój and the Organ Festival at Jędrzejów.
The Świętokrzyskie region is also good for the outdoor way of life including, cycle routes, hiking trails and many other sporting activities. Enthusiasts of horse riding can make use of the offers of stables in Michałów, Borków and Kurozwęki. In the northern and eastern parts of voivodeship there are water sports. At Pińczów and Masłów there is the opportunities for aviators and hang gliders to take to the air.
Province Świętokrzyskie website
Świętokrzyskie - David's Travel Guides